Review of the contribution of Arts Council funded organisations to music opportunities for children and young people

Friday 25 June 2010

Arts Council England's support and advocacy for music education and participation dates back many years, covering a wide range of audience development initiatives, family and school concerts and artist-led creative projects with schools and communities. This work has had one thing in common - the desire to share and create music with receptive audiences and participants. The long-term investment made in music education, including the formation of Youth Music in 1999, has enabled many of our funded organisations to make high quality work with children and young people a core part of their artistic mission.

This substantial growth in music learning activities for children and young people has led us to commission Burns Owen Partnership to establish a clear picture of the existing music education provision delivered by the Arts Council's funded organisations. Their report considers the impact this work has on young people and the role these organisations play in the wider music education landscape.