Workshops for New Music Leaders

Friday, 6 May 2011

18 May, 6.30pm - 9pm - Boundary setting and child protection

This is just a guide to what will be covered on the days. All sessions will incorporate some practical activities as well as theory and context.

- Ground rules for engagement,
-Understanding group dynamics,
-Managing behaviour,
-Safe spaces,
-Working with partners,  Managing risks

25 May, 6.30pm - 9pm - Essential instrumental skills for new music leaders

This training session aims to help new Music Leaders assist existing leaders and ultimately facilitate their own workshops with young people. We will concentrate on basic guitar and keyboard skills for those new to these instruments but those with some experience will also find it invaluable for translating their skills into a range of settings. We will also cover some basic music theory using the most accessible linked chords to create quick and satisfying live band workshops for everyone involved.
Both workshops take place at the Crew Club, 26 Coolham Drive, Brighton, East Sussex BN2 5QW

To book your place, please contact Rachael Casoria  at or call
08701 417 484 

For more information see: