Live Utd offer to fund young peoples new ventures.

Tuesday, 25 May 2010

Big on ideas but low on funds? A new initiative launched earlier this week with help from The Mystery Jets could be right up your street.

Lottery funded Live Unltd aims to inspire 11-25 year olds by offering up cash to fund their own ventures.

Led by a team of passionate young people, Live UnLtd aims to provide other young people with exciting opportunities to create their own initiatives and develop their community for the better.

So if you have an idea for a music-based project or event, why not see if Live UnLtd could help you out?

The project will create 1,500 positive activities for young people through a range of opportunities which will ultimately see over 20,000 young people benefit from the programme.

If you're aged 11-25 check out the Live UnLtd website for details on how you can apply for up to £2,000 funding for your latest brainwave.